Create Your Account
To begin, you need to create an account on Select the appropriate offer that matches your needs for copyright protection. offers various categories for protection, so choose the one that best suits the type of work you intend to protect, such as literature, music, visual arts, or software.
Access Your Dashboard
Once your account is set up, log in to access your personalized dashboard. This dashboard is where you will manage all your copyright registrations and view any past submissions and their statuses.
Prepare Your Files
Preparation of your files depends on the type of creation you are registering:
- Images: If you are registering visual works like logos, textile models, or designs, ensure you have high-quality images ready. These images should clearly represent your work but also be optimized to avoid excessively large file sizes.
- Text: For books or written works, prepare a PDF or text file of the complete document.
- Videos: For video content, have your video in MP4 format, optimized for size to facilitate a quicker registration process.
Submit Your Copyright Registration
With your files prepared, you can proceed to register your copyright:
- Upload Your Files: Through your dashboard, upload the prepared files of your creation.
- Provide Details: Fill in the required fields, including the title and a detailed description of your creation. This helps in identifying your work distinctly in the registration.
Instant Copyright Certificate
After submitting your registration, you will receive an instant copyright certificate displayed on your screen. A PDF version of this certificate will also be sent to your email address. This certificate will include the exact date and time of your registration, which is crucial for establishing the anteriority of your copyright.
Manage Your Copyrights
All your registrations are recorded and accessible under the 'History' menu of your dashboard. You can:
- View Details: Check details and statuses of all your registrations.
- Download Files: Retrieve and download the registered files or the copyright certificates at any time.
- Customer Support: If you have any queries about file size limits or any other concerns, the customer support team is available to provide up-to-date information based on the latest storage solutions implemented by
Subscription Services operates on a subscription basis, ensuring that you have continuous access to the service and secure storage of your proof of copyright online. This system maintains your records securely and allows you to access and verify your intellectual property rights whenever necessary.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your creative works are protected under the law, providing you with peace of mind and the freedom to focus on further creativity. Remember, securing your copyright with not only protects your legal rights but also supports the continued innovation and sharing of creative works globally.
For more information on copyright filing and protection, or if you need assistance with registering your work, please contact through email, telephone, or by using the live chat service provided on their website.